Friday, November 16, 2007

shopping and snow

I hate snow.

...that came out stronger than I anticipated. I was planning on saying something about how I went shopping at the outlet mall with Mom2 yesterday and then end with a ditty about how the white stuff is coming down outside but instead my inner feelings exploded onto the screen, blurbing the harsh reality of the moment. I really hate snow.

I know it's pretty and white and means Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming. I know it means snowmen and twinkle lights. I know it means sledding and hot cocoa. But I just don't want it. Not ready. Yuck.


So...Mom2 and I went to the outlet mall yesterday. She and Dad2 are getting me fun clothes for Christmas and part of the fun is shopping for them (and then waiting 38 days to open them and be surprised - yay!!) - seven hours of

* foot numbing walking
* trying on (literally) 44 bras (and now, finally and at last I have ones that FIT! I seriously did not know how uncomfortable my girls were until yesterday when they were freed from the constraints of the too-small-bra-of-doom)
* putting on and taking off around 30 shirts
* admiring hideous clothing for the shock value (Mom2 has the best faces)
* window shopping and trying not to knock things off of displays

I came away richer by

* 1 awesomely wonderful vintage-y hat
* 2 shirts that are NOT brown and black like all my other shirts
* 4 bras of joy

I got home and collapsed on the couch, falling asleep on J's shoulder for a while before crawling into bed for the night.


Anne said...

We should have a Snow-Haters Support Group. I used to love snow, then I lived where it snowed for a while.

Snow is good for 24 hours only.

I'm so sorry.

Glad you had a good shopping trip!

anne @lifepundit

groovyoldlady said...

I would ask you to post photos...if not of the bras, then of Mom2's faces, but then I'd be jealous because your camera works and mine doesn't.

It snowed here - sort of. It was more like "big" rain, and I didn't have to go anywhere.

Here's a wish for global warming in NY!