Saturday, November 3, 2007

itchy lips of doom

My lips itch. So bad. It's not my fault, I just woke up the other day and BAM! itchy. Overnight my lips went from normal human lips, to scaly, peely, itchy lips of doom. They are bright red and I want to scratch them. I want to scratch my huge lips. Boy do they feel big. The mirror says they are normal size but they feel like large puffy Angelina Jolie lips. I have used almost an entire tube of Blistex in 3 days. J and I went shopping for more chapstick today. I have three more tubes ready to use, because, to use my favorite Napoleon Dynamite quote:

My lips hurt real bad.


Anne said...

Maybe you're allergic to mango!

notcon4med said...

Just borrow some from the school nurse. She's got like 3 sticks in her drawer!

manizo said...

The exact same thing is happening to me. It's been over a month and I've tried everything... did you find how to fix the problem?