I shall preface this by saying that J and I should just not be allowed in pet stores.
Yesterday we went to PetSmart, that haven of cute animals in need of homes. They've recently partnered with a local pet rescue mission and so all of the animals are up for adoption from previous homes/abandonment situations, not just kittens or bunnies newly born and shoved in a showcase. They've had this one adorable, fat, old gerbil for months...the lady said since August of last year, and I've been in and seen him numerous times and wished I could save him and give him a home in his old age.
J and I walked in and he was there and I made a sad face and J caved like...instantly. We're way too soft when it comes to tiny furry faces of cuteness. The next thing we know we've adopted a little fellow we've named Grizzly Bear.
He's 2 years and 5 months old. That's old for a gerbil, who live up to 3 years if they are lucky. He's a cantankerous old coot and because he's been up for adoption since August he hasn't been handled much and isn't used to people. Basically what this means is I've already lost count of how many times he's nipped my fingers (though he doesn't bite to draw blood, like our psycho hamster Mutton Chop). His old-mannishness is also characterised by the middle picture. I say 'smile!' so nicely and he just turns his back and runs.
We are trying to get him used to people again, but mostly we just want him to have a happy retirement home. And so far he seems to love living with us. He runs in his wheel and shuffles his shavings all around to his heart's content. He is so hilarious because he's always perking up and listening to us talk or stopping to watch us while we sit and talk to him.
AAAAW!! Look at him so tired in his wheel in picture #3! He is diurnal, which means we've already seen him awake/playing more in a day and a half than any of our hamsters that we've had for the past year and a half. He does get tired out though (he is an old man) and takes little nappies during the day.
Now we just have to figure out where to keep his cage...as you know our apartment is weighed down by tons of books and the usual amount of furniture and finding a spot for a third rodent cage is proving a little tricky.
Yes. We're going to stay away from the pet store for a good long while after this....