Saturday, December 8, 2007

a very merry questionairre

It's true. I stole this from my Mama's blog.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping paper - because if you wrap everything individually it feels like you are getting/giving so much more than if you dump it in a bag. Plus with a bag there's none of the joy of cutting and taping and I love to wrap presents!
2. Real tree or artificial?
Right now we have a two-or-three foot fake tree that J has had since childhood. Hencely most of our ornaments are laying decoratively on bookcases and window sills since not even half of them are small enough to fit on said tree.
3. When do you put up the tree?
This year we made until the week before Thanksgiving...but we couldn't take it anymore and had to decorate and be jolly. :-D
4. When do you take the tree down?
If it were up to J it would probably never come down, but I usually lose my Christmas spirit around February and pack everything away.
5. Do you like eggnog?
Eggnog is the beverage of my soul. I delight in every creamy sip, though sipping is scarce this year...$4.43 for a half gallon is just too much for these poor folks. We've only bought it twice so far - once when it first hit the shelves in October and once last week.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
The first thing that comes to mind is the down comforter my folks got me when I was in my teens (I think). I was SO excited and it was so warm and cozy and I still snuggle into it to keep warm.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?
We have two, soon to be three. The first is from J's sister when she went to Venezuela years ago. It's less than an inch tall, but cultural and cute. The second is about the same size, but made of ceramic...from J's childhood. We're inheriting his folk's old nativity (a more 'normal' sized one this year since they got a new one, so that's exciting. The one I unChristianally covet is made by Willow Tree, as you see on the left. Of course I love just about everything I've seen made by Willow Tree, but oh my gosh, I just adore this nativity set. Perhaps one day...
8. Hardest person to buy for?

My brother-in-law. I have everyone else done and so far my ideas for him include....nothing. Everything he likes has to do with hunting and fishing and all manner of outdoors and thus anything to do with those hobbies is pricey, so I've come up with nada. Last year I think all he got from us was an assortment of candy. Poor guy.

9. Easiest person to buy for?

J. I know everything he likes and my biggest problem with him is not buying him a thousand things.

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?

Well. Sorry, Gramma C. One year when she was poor and I was like 11 or 12 she sent me a used spatula for Christmas. It was kind of a let down...

11. Mail or email Christmas cards?

Mail!!! Yay! I know this phase of card writing will one day dwindle, but I just love jotting personal notes and addressing cards and applying stamps and sending them on their merry way.

12. Favorite Christmas movie?

It's a Wonderful Life and White Christmas are tied in my heart. The thing is there are so many different types and styles of holiday movies that I find my list of faves is huge because none of them really compare to each other.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?

Usually the urge hits me around June...I start scouting for deals and piling things up so the spending isn't a deathblow in December. J adores Christmas so as soon as Christmassy things hit the store shelves he loves to buy little ornaments or crafts for us to do, and we can afford it if I have most of the shopping done by then. He's so cute browsing the aisles and looking at everything. :)

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?

Oh of course. Who hasn't? There's not much else you can do with all those bottles and cans.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?

Cookies! Nog! Rolls!

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?

Every manner of small twinkling lights...and by twinkling I mean not flashing or pulsing or any headache-inducing spectacle. Just little lights all aglow.

17. Favorite Christmas song?

Oh Holy Night.

18. Travel for Christmas or stay home?

This year, being poor, we are staying home. And by home I mean on Christmas Eve we have a get together with the Groovys almost all day, and sometime before that is the Funny Side's Christmas festivities. And Christmas Day we open our presents from each other in the morning and then probably head down to Blondie's for the day. Basically by staying home I mean we don't get to see my side of the family since they are across state borders. :(

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?

I admit to I never can remember all their names, probably because it's very infrequent that I try.

20. Angel on the treetop or a star?

My special, beautiful porcelain tree-top angel is about half the size of our tiny tree, so until a larger tree is procured she graces the top of a bookcase and a kind of corny, shiny star tops our baby tree.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?

Last year we couldn't wait and each opened a present from each other on Christmas Eve - this year we've been especially horrible. For instance, J let me open a present today. YAY!!! It was the special Charlie Brown Christmas soundtracks - three discs of Charlie Brown music in an adorable collector's tin that I'd been eyeing at Wal*Mart a while back. I'm so happy! Needless to say we've been listening all morning and afternoon. :)

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?

Humbugs. Like my mama. I just love all the decorations and the shopping (only because I do it ahead of time, if I waited until the last minute shopping would not be such a highlight) and the music and the smells and seeing Christmas lights. I'm enjoying it all so much that grumpy people annoy me to no end! (no offense, mommy)

23. What I love most about Christmas?

Everything, but mostly knowing I get to share it with J. He makes it all so fun and bright. Well, and of course, the reminder of Jesus' trip to earth. Pastor Dan has made some great points that hit me just right in his sermons lately to do with Christmas and it's really made me appreciate the real meaning of Christmas all the more this year.


I assumed there would be 25 questions to this thing, but apparently I was wrong. Bizarre and kind of confusing.


notcon4med said...

I have a BIL gift idea. How about a can of Deep Woods Off...and a stick of After-bite (nothing's fol-proof!)? It certainly shows you care...and it is in your budget.

groovyoldlady said...

6. :-D

7. I like WillowTree too, although it weirds me out just a teeny bit that they have no faces...

8. LOVE Ncf's idea. You could throw in some fishing lures...

10. She DOES come up with winners, doesn't she? I'd forgotten about the spatula! Oh well, you WILL like this year's gift, ALOT!

18. :(

22. Sorry to have annoyed you, but it's OK. You paid me back with Alvin!

funsocksgirl said...

hmmmm i enjoy this idea of bug protection....hmmmm....muchos gracias!'mon. alvin was mostly for that song 'all i want for christmas is my two front teeth'...i got excited hearing it after growing up with you belting it out over and over every christmas. stop being a humbug and embrace the christmas spirit!