Monday, December 17, 2007

my little tiny snowman

The past week has been a flurry of activity, hence the lack of journal entries. Today, however, things slowed down. We had a 'blizzard' over the weekend and so the maintenance man woke me bright and early by snow-blowing the walk below our window. I stretched, I yawned, I opened the curtains and oh, behold the snow!

I hate snow, but was seized with the irresistible desire to make a snowman on our balcony. After fifteen minutes of flailing in the cold I finally realized it was not snowmanish snow, it was powdery stupid snow. The one time I need snow, want snow, to accomplish the ends to my madness I got nothin'. So I just tied a scarf around the poof on top of the little table we keep out there and threw in some bouncy ball eyes. Hooray!


groovyoldlady said...


Anne said...

You could have fooled me. Looks like good clean cooperative snow.

anne at