Wednesday, February 6, 2008

my return to civilization

Life goes slowly and predictably until it socks you and suddenly you are reeling and busy and tired and not so interested in updating your online journal. :) I'm back for now, friends!

Grizzly Bear is doing soooo well. He is the cutest grumpy old man in the world - he spends his days rearranging his cage. This means hours of rustling and banging sounds as he shoves his food dish and cozy log around, and it also means that the carpet all around his cage is littered with shavings and food husks. He is kind of messy.
His favorite food EVER is sunflower seeds. And apple. And spinach. And he thinks carrots are stupid. Anyway, yesterday I held my hand to his cage door with a pile of sunflower seeds on it and he hopped out onto my hand. (!) This is the first time he has willingly come out on my hands, though he's done it for J a couple of times. I was SO excited and we gave him lovies and then he bit me and we put him back in his cage. Yay!

Oh! I should mention that Griz is apparently very hard of smelling. And seeing. He's very old, and we are realizing his humorous disabilities as time goes on. He'll be hunkered down eating and drop his seed...but he won't be able to find it again. It's so cute. And pathetic. And sort of sad.


Super Duper Tuesday (as our local news station called it, dorks) was yesterday and I proudly voted in my first primary. It was pretty impressive and great. I couldn't figure out how to close the curtain to the voting booth or how to vote for who I wanted for that matter, but with the verbal coaching of J and some little old ladies I did the deed! Because I hate the guck that comes with all political discussions I will not inform you of who I voted for, you will just have to squirm with curiosity.

My watch died the other day. It is now perpetually 5:15. I tried wearing J's watch for a couple days, since it works and we are trying to save money, but in the end I couldn't stand it and layed down $7 at Wal*Mart. J's watch is nice (my folks gave it to him a while back) but it kind of large for my bony little wrist and kept getting stuck on my sleeves and driving me crazy. Anyway. New watch is on and telling time and all is well in the world. We are contemplating smashing my old watch with a hammer, I'll keep you updated on that.


Unfortunately for you I suddenly have zoom and am going to clean up the apartment a little, but just so I don't forget these topics will soon be written about and posted by me:
* Our new mentally disabled cocaine-addict friend, "Bud".
* My inability to resist purchasing picture frames on clearance.
* Taxes for the self-employed are a pretty sad and mildly stressful thing.
* Having lunch with J and our grandparents (i.e. the toilet water story).


notcon4med said...

Ok, I won't ask who you voted for. I don't even want to know that. But what I do want to know is why you've never voted in a primary before.

groovyoldlady said...

at least you GOT to vote. Maine no longer HAS a primary. The only party members who can vote are those who A.) purchase the right to be a delegate for $25 and B.) attend the party caucus.

In other words, about 10 Republicans in the state got any say at all as to who I wanted on the Republican ticket. There will be a rant on my blog on this topic in the very near future! There will also be a rant going out to every Maine Republican of note that I can get my grubby little hands on.


In other news, your father, who is not nuts about me Blogging, DOES want me to apply myself and WRITE. So less procrastinating and socializing here and more writing coming up. Yee-Haw!

In other, other news, Mr. Snowblower has been ressurrected after a lengthy (and expensive) hospital stay.

In other, other, other, news: watch your mail because THERE'S ANOTHER SURPRISE being mailed out tomorrow!

funsocksgirl said...

let's see, the last (and first) presidential election i was old enough to vote in was 4 years ago and since i was just figuring out the voting process i didn't understand about being registered to a political party/voting in primaries. and now that i think of it, was there even a republican primary, wasn't president bush automatically the party candidate b/c he'd already been in office?